Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain is losing to win

A funny thing happened on the way home from work today…I realized that John McCain was actually winning the election. I realized this after I listened to a story on All Things Considered. The transcript from ATC on NPR:
"The national media has written us off. Senator Obama is measuring the drapes, and planning with Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi and Senator (Harry) Reid to raise taxes, increase spending, take away your right to vote by secret ballot in labor elections, and concede defeat in Iraq. But they forgot to let you decide. My friends, we've got them just where we want them,"

So let’s break this down.

1) Obama is measuring the drapes.
This is clearly bad since it either shows that Obama crazy or overconfident. Crazy because why would anyone “measure the drapes?" Who cares what size the old drapes are? On the other hand, if he were implying that Obama is over confident, then he should have said he was measuring the windows for new drapes. But he clearly said Obama is measuring the drapes, so it is bad for Obama.

2) Obama is planning with Pelosi and Reid to raise taxes, increase spending and take away your right to vote by secret ballot in labor elections and concede defeat in Iraq.

This is also bad because no one, NOONE should be planning. You’ve got to go with your gut. No plannin’, no readin’, no lookin’ into the history of things to see what’s been done, what didn’t work, and what did. No thinkin’ about things and puttin’ together a strategy. That’s bad.

3) They forgot to let you decide.
Again, bad for Obama. Everyone in the Obama campaign and supporting Obama forgot that we had to have an election to choose the president. I know I did. I just assumed Obama was President already.

But, assuming we didn’t forget this, we must have forgotten that we don’t get to vote, just the Republicans get to vote, because they get to “decide.” So, to summarize this: They (meaning Obama supporters? Obama himself?) forgot to let you (Republican operatives, kool-aid drinkers in the crowd) decide. Translation: Democrats are supposed to let Republicans decide who is President.

4) We’ve got them where we want them.

While I am not sure who the “them” is (maybe he meant ‘that?’), I think this is very bad.

We fell for the trap. It was McCain’s plan all along to run a crappy campaign with no ideas, a lot of secret plans, choose an incompetent ex-mayor as his VP candidate, and then incite hateful rallies masked as campaign stops and fall way behind in the polls in order to make us think he was losing the election. Actually, he is winning because he wanted to be losing right now. Oh the agony! Curse you John McCain!

I dread seeing any new polls because they keep showing that McCain’s strategy of losing more states is really working. It’s all so clear now. Choose someone from a state with fewer electoral votes than Arizona and less governing experience than Bush had, pull out of Michigan, suspend the campaign, ramble incoherently at the debates…Oh woe is us! What else can he do to lose to win? Call the economy sound? I shudder to think…