Friday, September 19, 2008

Ahoy me hearty!

Shiver me timbers, Cap'n Snowbelt thought that all you landlubbers and scurvy dogs needed to remember to celebrate today...That's right, its Talk Like A Pirate Day, me chumbuckets!

What better day than this to celebrate the raisin’ o’ Cap’n Obama’s polls? He can barely sail into port before the crowds o’ land lubbers come runnin’ to greet ‘im. Change is in the wind like the flyin’ o’ the mainsail and the riggin’ o’ the yardarm!

Now don’t get me started on that dirty dog Pegleg McSame and his first matey, Bridges. There’s two of the worst scalawags that set foot on the sea (so to speak). Many a time did we try to rope in that Pegleg McSame, but, blast ‘im, he keeps escapin’ to one o’ his other houses, drat it! But, mind, you, I hear he’s get a load o’ treasure somewhere! Thanks to one o’ his wenches and her rum runnin’

Now get out there and raise a pint o'grog or rum, as ye see fit!

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